Penetration Testing

Protecting your business systems against a cyber-attack starts with knowing exactly where you’re vulnerable. Take the first step towards better defence with Caledonian Tech’s Penetration Testing service.

Does your organisation need a penetration test?

What are the Benefits of Penetration Testing?

Leverage our team of certified ethical hackers to uncover hidden vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

Benefit from our tailored approach that aligns penetration testing strategies with your specific business objectives and risk profile.

Receive comprehensive reports with actionable insights, prioritizing critical issues to strengthen your security posture effectively.

Stay ahead of evolving threats with our continuous research into the latest attack techniques and emerging cybersecurity trends.

Ensure compliance with industry regulations through our thorough testing methodologies and detailed documentation practices.

Minimize business disruption with our flexible scheduling options and efficient testing processes designed for minimal impact.

Gain ongoing support from our dedicated security experts who provide guidance on remediation strategies long after the initial test.

Identify your vulnerabilities, strengthen your defences

Penetration testing is one of the best proactive cyber security measures a business can take because it offers a way to find and fix vulnerabilities before an attacker can exploit them and cause any actual harm. Regular penetration testing helps businesses:

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Caledonian Tech offer two types of Penetration Testing Services; Automated Pen Testing and Human-Led Penetration Testing

Both types of testing include the following services:

Internal network

Internal network testing is designed to replicate what an attacker could do if they gained access to your network. It will test:

  • Network traffic and authentication
  • What an authenticated user might be able to exploit
  • What an unauthenticated user might be able to access, alter or exploit
  • Any vulnerabilities affecting systems that are accessed from within the network
  • Misconfigurations that leave sensitive data exposed

External network

External network testing looks at security vulnerabilities that could be exploited to give hackers access from outside your network. It will look at:

  • File and web servers
  • Authentication processes and mechanisms
  • Data transfer security
  • Firewall configuration across devices
  • Security and segregation of sensitive data

Web applications

Web application testing is designed to ensure all your business’s internet-based applications, platforms and websites are secured against attack. It will focus on:

  • Testing user authentication to ensure data can’t be compromised
  • Testing the application itself for design and coding vulnerabilities
  • Ensuring correct configuration of web browsers
  • Checking APIs and CMSs
  • Testing database and web server security

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Grosvenor Shopping Centre

Caledonian Tech has always been friendly and responsive to our needs. Anytime there has been a fault, breakdown, or malfunction with our IT software or hardware, Caledonian Tech’s professional technical support has been there to provide us with a solution.


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Queensgate Shopping Centre

Caledonian Tech has always been friendly and responsive to our needs. Anytime there has been a fault, breakdown, or malfunction with our IT software or hardware, Caledonian Tech’s professional technical support has been there to provide us with a solution.


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‍JLL Property & Investment Services

Caledonian Tech has always been friendly and responsive to our needs. Anytime there has been a fault, breakdown, or malfunction with our IT software or hardware, Caledonian Tech’s professional technical support has been there to provide us with a solution.


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1 Heddon Street

Caledonian Tech has always been friendly and responsive to our needs. Anytime there has been a fault, breakdown, or malfunction with our IT software or hardware, Caledonian Tech’s professional technical support has been there to provide us with a solution.

Penetration Testing: A Critical Component of Cyber Security for Businesses

In today's interconnected world, businesses of all sizes are increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. With the rise of digital transformation, ensuring robust cyber security measures is essential to safeguard sensitive data, critical infrastructure, and day-to-day operations. One of the most effective strategies for identifying vulnerabilities within a business’s IT environment is penetration testing, also known as "pen testing".

At Caledonian Tech, we provide tailored penetration testing services to help businesses across the UK and Europe stay ahead of potential cyber threats. By simulating real-world attacks, we can identify weak points in your systems, allowing you to strengthen your defences before an actual cyber-attack occurs.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is a form of ethical hacking where security experts intentionally attempt to breach a company's digital defences. Unlike a malicious hacker, however, the purpose of pen testing is not to cause harm but to proactively identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a genuine cyber-criminal. By probing networks, applications, and even physical security controls, pen testers aim to uncover vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or flaws in your systems.

This process often mirrors the tactics used by malicious actors, such as exploiting unpatched software, cracking weak passwords, and taking advantage of misconfigured firewalls or unsecured endpoints. The findings from these controlled attacks are used to provide a detailed report, outlining all potential risks and offering concrete steps to mitigate them.

The Importance of Penetration Testing

In the UK, cybercrime has skyrocketed over the past decade, with 39% of businesses reporting a cyber security breach or attack in 2023, according to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport’s (DCMS) Cyber Security Breaches Survey. The most common threats include phishing, ransomware, and malware, but the exploitation of system vulnerabilities is one of the most devastating. A single, unpatched vulnerability could allow a hacker to take control of an entire network or steal sensitive data, causing both financial and reputational damage.

Penetration testing is vital in preventing these breaches. It allows businesses to understand where their systems are weak and to fix those vulnerabilities before an attacker has the chance to exploit them. In fact, a study by IBM found that companies that deploy a pen testing programme have a breach lifecycle that is 20% shorter, and they save an average of £3.5 million by mitigating potential cyber incidents early.

How Penetration Testing Works at Caledonian Tech

At Caledonian Tech, we conduct comprehensive penetration tests that are designed to probe every aspect of your IT infrastructure. This process begins with understanding your environment – whether it’s a corporate network, web application, or cloud infrastructure. From here, our ethical hackers use sophisticated techniques to simulate a cyber-attack.

During a test, we assess various aspects of your system, including:

  • Network security: Identifying unsecured ports, misconfigured firewalls, and vulnerable network protocols.
  • Application security: Probing for SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure API endpoints in your web applications.
  • User authentication: Evaluating password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA) implementation, and user privilege settings.
  • Physical security: In certain tests, we may also assess physical access controls and social engineering defences.

Once our tests are complete, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing every vulnerability discovered, along with risk assessments and practical remediation strategies. We provide support throughout the remediation process, ensuring that your systems are thoroughly protected against future attacks.

Real-World Examples of the Importance of Pen Testing

Penetration testing is not just an abstract concept – it is a practical tool that can prevent severe cyber-attacks. One example is the 2017 Equifax breach, where hackers exploited an unpatched vulnerability in their web application framework. This resulted in the exposure of 147 million customer records, costing the company over £1 billion in fines and remediation efforts. A simple pen test could have identified the unpatched software and mitigated the breach before it ever occurred.

Similarly, in the UK, British Airways faced a significant data breach in 2018 when hackers exploited vulnerabilities in their website and app, leading to the theft of personal and financial details of 429,000 customers. This breach resulted in a £20 million fine by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) – a costly consequence that could have been avoided with regular penetration testing.

The Benefits of Regular Penetration Testing

Regular penetration testing provides businesses with valuable insights into their cyber security posture. As new software is installed, or as systems are updated, new vulnerabilities can emerge. Testing regularly ensures that your systems remain secure over time. This is particularly important as cyber threats evolve – in 2022, 74% of UK businesses said that cyber security had become more difficult in the past year due to the increased sophistication of cyber-attacks (DCMS Cyber Security Breaches Survey).

Penetration testing also helps businesses meet regulatory requirements. For companies that handle sensitive personal data, such as those in the financial or healthcare sectors, penetration testing is often a legal necessity under GDPR. Testing also supports compliance with international standards such as ISO/IEC 27001, PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and industry-specific regulations.

Why Choose Caledonian Tech for Penetration Testing?

At Caledonian Tech, we understand that cyber security is not a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why our penetration testing services are fully customised to meet the unique needs of your business. With years of experience in managed IT services and an expert team of ethical hackers, we provide thorough testing that not only identifies vulnerabilities but also offers tailored solutions to secure your environment.

Our partnership with industry-leading security vendors ensures that you receive cutting-edge protection, whether it's addressing software flaws, securing your cloud infrastructure, or tightening network defences. In addition, we adhere to the highest standards in cyber security best practices, ensuring that your business remains compliant with the latest regulations and fully protected against emerging threats.


Cyber-attacks are on the rise, and businesses must take a proactive stance in protecting their systems. Penetration testing offers the best opportunity to understand where vulnerabilities lie and to fix them before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By investing in regular penetration tests with Caledonian Tech, you’ll not only strengthen your defences but also demonstrate to customers and stakeholders that your business takes cyber security seriously.

With the ever-increasing risks posed by cyber threats, there has never been a better time to invest in penetration testing as part of a comprehensive cyber security strategy.

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What's the difference between a penetration test and vulnerability scan?

In some regions, the terms are used interchangeably, or combined into a single offering as VAPT, but it there are important distinctions between the two services. While a vulnerability scan uses only automated tools to search for known vulnerabilities, a penetration test is a more in-depth assessment. Pen testing utilises a combination of machine and human-driven or even physical approaches to identify hidden weaknesses.

How long does a penetration test take?

The time it takes an ethical hacker to complete a pentest is dependent upon the scope of the test. Factors affecting pentesting duration include network size, if the test is internal or external facing, whether it involves any physical penetration testing and whether network information and user credentials are shared with Caledonian Tech prior to the pentesting engagement.

What happens after pen testing is completed?

After each engagement, the ethical hacker(s) assigned to the test will produce a custom written report, detailing and assessing the risks of any weaknesses identified plus outlining recommended remedial actions. A comprehensive telephone debrief is conducted following submission of the report.

Should I use the same penetration testing supplier?

Working with a single pentesting supplier can have its pitfalls, as over-familiarity with an IT environment can mean that some exposures may be overlooked. Choosing a penetration testing as a service (PTaas) partner like Caledonian Tech, that invests in offensive security and employs ethical hackers specialising in a wide range of penetration testing types, can help to significantly reduce this risk while offering the added benefit of being a long-term, go-to, partner for support and advice.